Healthy Habit 5: Self-Care Knitting
Being Selfish can be Healthy.
There, I said it.
Granted, that might not always be true. But in January, after the rush of gift knitting is over (note how I’m allowing extra weeks here for finishing those gifts that were under the tree with needles still holding live stitches😉), we makers can slow down and focus on what we truly enjoy…
Knits just for us!
I see Selfish Knitting as a form of Self-Care. In fact, perhaps we should all agree to start calling it “Self-Care Knitting” instead!
New Year, New Knit
The first of January is a time for renewal in many ways. We even call it New Year. January inspires us to explore new habits, goals, and ways of doing. They don’t all stick, but it seems like a great opportunity to try.
Likewise in my knitting, I find January to be a month of reflection, renewal, and redirection. I consider what I accomplished in the past year and decide what my Making Goals are for the coming year.
A great deal of my knitting thoughts in December are turned toward making for others—gifts or charity. January marks a moment to focus on what I want. What do I want to make for myself? Did I set aside any WIPs during the gifting season? Are there new patterns or techniques I have wanted to try for a while but haven’t cast on? I assess my knitting project/technique/WIP status and make a plan.
Most of my plans involve finishing WIPs (weaving up loose ends, if you will), planning projects for myself that will simply make me happy, plus laying the groundwork for all of the designs that I have percolating in my Knit Brain.
As I discussed two weeks ago, I spent the first weeks of January writing down a plan and sticking to it. I created a “Hoped For” calendar of all of the patterns I want to create, test, and publish in 2024.
I’m so excited to create the designs, and then—the best part—to share those with you over the coming year.
Remember, you can get in on the designing action with me, if you would like to join our Test Knitting Group on Discord! (For more on test knitting, see Healthy Habit 1 Post—I’ll link it at the end.)
Double Down on Self-Care
I think most of us could use a little more positivity in our lives. However your January is unfolding, I hope you will take the opportunity for positive mental health habits in addition to the societally-promoted physical ones.
Maybe yours will include my Healthy Habits 1 and 3—writing things down and viewing yourself as you view your knitting. Or perhaps you have those mastered. Either way, take this as your invitation to see your knitting as Self-Care and as an important part of your Healthy Journey through life.
If you need some inspiration in your Knitting Plans, check out Mountain Song Designs on…